The 17 Global Goals
The Global Goals comprise 17 concrete goals and 169 sub-goals, which commit all the UN's 193 member countries to completely abolish poverty and hunger in the world, reduce inequalities, ensure good education and better health for all, decent jobs, and more sustainable economic growth (source: The Global Goals).
We believe that sustainability is an integral part of all the decision-making processes and is a long-term commitment. Therefore, our work with sustainability is based on the three pillars of Compliance, Social responsibility (The Global Goal 8), and Environmental responsibility (The Global Goal 12). Acknowledging that these three areas intertwine in practice, we build our strategy and action plans around the two main themes of social responsibility and environmental responsibility based on the belief that a company must already have in place compliance as its basics.

Responsible and sustainable decision-making
We, at Bloomingville, focus on the Global Goals 8 and 12. We believe that this is where we can influence development most positively. We recognize that all Global Goals are relevant, but for us it is important to focus on the Global Goals where we believe we can make a difference.
Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
There are many ways in which people and businesses can drive change and take responsibility for the future. Procedures and protocols however do not standalone. Maintaining a healthy workplace is equally important. Bloomingville is committed to ensuring that all employees at the Head Quarter in Denmark are offered a working environment that is safe and respectful of individual needs, as well as embracive of social and cultural inclusion. Also, we are working closely with professional agent offices to secure that the most basic human standards are upheld and respected.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Making pro-environmental decisions are pivotal to run a sustainable business, we therefore continue our efforts of developing a product portfolio that is mindful of both the environment and the local communities involved with the supply chain. With much gratitude towards nature, Bloomingville is set to make sustainable choices through internal and external programs that require both short- and long-term action plans.

The 10 principles of the UN's Global Compact
We will contribute to a safe and stable working environment for all workers involved in Bloomingville as a company. We do this by ensuring that our value chain meets recognized international standards in human rights.

Work environment
At Bloomingville, we work purposefully with employee well-being. We do this through many different initiatives that have the common goal that Bloomingville must be attractive as a workplace.

Security and development
Bloomingville has a dedicated CSR team that, together with the Compliance Responsible, ensures that we continuously do our best to live up to the goals we set for ourselves.
We work on a safe working environment in the warehouse, as well as in the office. This is not only a task for our safety committee, but for all employees in the company.

Packaging: reduce and recycle
At Bloominville we are dedicated to recycling as we recognize that the world's resources are scarce. Since many of our products require packaging, we see it as a matter of course to work with how we minimize, recycle, and dispose of excess packaging.

Responsible chemical management
Bloomingville recognizes that it is important to avoid harmful chemicals in production and products. That is why we are OEKO-TEX® certified, just as we test a large number of our products based on applicable EU standards, precisely to avoid harmful chemicals.

Responsible consumption
It is important for Bloomingville to offer customers and partners a product range with a focus on products that have been selected based on a sustainable mindset.
That is why we are launching new products made from recycled material and FSC® certified wood.

Our goals
We continue our cross-organizational CSR work with a focus on sustainability with a number of goals:
Global Goals 8.5 & 8.6 – Social responsibility
Bloomingville's stated goal is to always have a minimum of 2-3 employees per year who are either mentally or physically challenged, and/or interns (persons undergoing training).
Global Goal 8.8 – Workers' rights
All our suppliers must live up to Bloomingville's Code of Conduct. We have as a stated goal that a minimum of 75% of our supplier base must also be certified by a 3rd party before the end of 2027 (BSCI, SMETA, ISO, SEDEX, etc.)
Global Goal 12.5 – Waste responsibility
Bloomingville's stated goal is to reduce the amount of waste cardboard by 20% by 2027, based on the base year 2021.
Challenged value chains and a lack of recycled material are a major challenge, but Bloomingville has a stated goal of replacing all plastic film used to package pallets with recycled film by the end of 2025.
Everyday changes towards a better world
At Bloomingville, we support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are committed to taking responsibility to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all of us. Knowing that standalone efforts are not necessarily moving the needle significantly, we will tackle every challenge through a concerted effort by employees, sales representatives, customers, partners, and suppliers. We believe it’s a matter of a mindset – and it’s a matter of taking one conscious step in the right direction every day. Even small steps count.
Lars Krog
Managing Director / CEO